Square drain sets in four complete packages
Everything You Need
in One Package
The Lowest Construction Height
on the Market
Only at Unidrain
In four complete packages
Everything in One Package
Low Construction Height
Only at Unidrain

Choose the Set That Suits Your Project

No matter which solution you choose, you are guaranteed an easy installation and a safe, waterproff and high-quality solution that your customer will be happy with.

The four complete drain systems cover the vast majority of needs and provide a consistent style throughout your project.

Tile Solution with Low Construction Height

The discreet 10 x 10 tile solution is only available from Unidrain.

Easy Connection to the Sewage

10 x 10 tile solution with an easy connection directly to sewage pipe.

Grating with Low Construction Height

10 x 10 ClassicLine grating with lowest construction height on the market.

A Classic Solution with a Vertical Outlet

The classic 15 x 15 solution with universal outlet.


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Securing the Wet Room

With a fall from four sides, it is even more important to secure your wet room properly.

We have collected six tips for wet room protection when you work with square drains.

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Piping Practice

A good piping practice ensures a safe and secure result that lasts for many years. 

Watch The Latest Video Tips

The bathroom is the most expensive room in the house and even small mistakes can be costly.

Check out our tips to avoid common mistakes.

Easy Installation

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HighLine Custom

The Custom base is automatically level with the horizontal flange. This makes it easy to ensure that the tile on the Custom base fits with the floor tiles around the drain. 

ClassicLine Frame and Grating

The frame can be shortened when you install it. By doing so, you can easily ensure that the grating is level with the tiles.

Installation Guides

Find the installation guide that suits your square set.  

Set 1 – HighLine Custom 10×10

Set 2 – HighLine Custom 10×10

Set 3 – Column grating 10 x 10

Set 4 – Column grating 15 x 15

Why You Should Choose a Square Drain

Height-adjustable frame

All in one package

10 x 10 Custom tile solution – only at Unidrain

The lowest construction height on the market

EN 1253-tested & VA-approved (approval of water supply and drainage systems)

Easy installation

You can tilt the drain unit to easily adjust it to the slopes.

Rotate the frame/base to easily fit it to the tiles.


Shorten the frame/base. By doing so, you can easily ensure that the grating is level with the tile.

Wet Room Tips

Tip no. 1

Follow the detailed instructions from the wet room membrane supplier (Lip, Ardex/Wedi, Alfix, Schönox/Sika, Mira, Knauf, Mapei and others).

Tip no. 2

Avoid using wet concrete primer on the metal surfaces of the square drain. 

Tip no. 3

Clean the drain’s metal surfaces before working with the wet room membrane

Tip no. 4

The membrane’s overlap on the drain’s metal surfaces must be at least 40 mm.

Tip no. 5

A liquid one-component wet room membrane must be applied in two layers, with a total layer thickness of at least 1 mm.

Tip no. 6

Be thorough with the wet room membrane – it is the waterproofing of the drain that makes the whole shower installation last for many years.