A world full of surfaces – make them personal

A world full of surfaces – make them personal

The sterile white bathroom has had its day. On the other hand, the warm, personal space is right up to date. And this offers great scope to fit the room out with lots of personality. One way to do this is to match colours and materials.

“The bathroom has become very much a space where we express our personality. We are seeing a growing desire to create harmony in the choice of materials. This covers everything from the smaller accessories to larger bathroom furniture, fixtures and drains. That is why we launched five new finishes for our linear drains last year, which help to complete the style,” says Unidrain’s marketing manager Kim Maretti.

The series is called HighLine Colour and is available in brass, copper, black, hand-polished stainless steel and brushed stainless steel. Colours and finishes that match today’s trends and convey luxury and contentment.

HighLine Colour is made of brushed stainless steel which is then PVD-treated in a brass, copper or black finish for optimum maintenance and durability. 

“The five surface finishes match our minimalist design style. The finishes also harmonise with today’s trends, where copper and brass are all the rage. These are finishes that have been popular in recent years, and there is every sign that the trend will continue. HighLine Colour has had a really good reception, which we are naturally very proud of,” concludes Kim Maretti.

See more about HighLine Colour here

Press Contact

Kim Maretti, Marketing Manager
[email protected]
+45 3910 1010

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